29 / 07 / 2016

A surprise proposal for Sofian’s girlfriend Liene Vidina.
Date published: 29/07/2016 - 13:48
After the spectacular 5-0 victory last night against
Olaine. The spectacle for the evening wasn’t over.
A plan hatched by Riga United legend Sofian Berrahal to surprise
his girlfriend by proposing to her in front of the family, friends
and fans came to fruition.
As the players walked over to the crowd, they formed a guard of
honour for Sofian to walk down and Liene’s name was duly called
out, after being encouraged to go, Liene hesitantly walked onto the
pitch, thinking she was going to be thanked for bringing so many
fans to the game. As Liene arrived, Sofian walked through the guard
of honour and got down on one knee. The realisation set in and to
everyone’s delight, Liene said “Yes”. Elvis Presley's ‘Can’t Help
Falling In Love’, chosen by Sofian, then played through the stadium
Speaking to RUSG, Sofian had this to say about last night: “It was
an incredible evening! I was able to gather all the loved ones in
this special place. My team mates were amazing; winning the game
first and then making the spectacle for us. There was a great
synergy between the things, which are very dear to me. My fiancée
had no clue what was going on and the most important aspect is she
said yes! Everything turned out really perfectly”
Riga United FC and the Supporters’ Group would like to congratulate
Sofian and Liene once more and wish all the happiness for them both
in the future.